+ (123) 1800-453-1546


Rx Destroyer

The Process of RX Destroyer is simple. The disposal of pharmaceuticals should be conducted under the observation of a witness. Once you have a full used Rx Destroyer bottle, it will remain stored until the vendor collects and disposes of the waste.  Do not ever place sharps or syringes in the Rx Destroyer Bottles, place in the proper sharps container.

Ready to use Medicine Disposal in a Bottle, Easy as 1, 2, 3

No Adding Water, No Mess!

Exceeds Federal Guidelines.

DEA & EPA Compliant

Medicines play an important role in treating certain conditions and diseases, but they must be taken with care. Unused portions of these medicines must be disposed of properly to avoid harm to wildlife, pets, and people.

The outdated advice of flushing medications down the toilet is NOT an option anymore. The impact to our waterways is extensive and an impact on our waterways is an impact on our drinking water. Water treatment plants and septic systems are not designed to treat medication waste!

With cradle to grave manifest tracking your facility can be assured that they are compliant. After the medications are incinerated your manifests are stamped and filed in our custom manifest tracking system. Medical Waste Services also offers an array of pick up options for your convenience.